Greetings friends,
I know I have been incredibly absent from the world of blogging and nail polish lately but I'm here to let you all know that I'm back. Now, I feel like I owe you guys an explanation for not just my absence but also as to what I plan to do on this blog from now on. As for the explanation, well I had another child, moved houses and also became a full-time online college student, pursuing a degree in Teaching History for Secondary Education.
I also happened to lose a bit of interest in nail polish and the nail polish community. With two children and the full time job that is pursuing an education, it hasn't been easy to settle down and paint my nails. I've also been rping, tapping into my love of Harry Potter and creating a community where people can write their own HP stories to their heart's content has sort of taken over my life in some aspects but honestly, sometimes I feel more like pretending to be Lee Jordan in his world than feel like living out my own life, not that I hate my life but fiction is where my imagination roams and fact can get a bit lonely at times.
Now as for what you can expect to see in the upcoming days and weeks of my blog are a splattering of my own interests and ideas. Some days I will post reviews of books, bath bombs, and possibly even episodes of television shows. Other days I might feel like going over some issues I have had when it comes to reading, going through school full-time, parenting and other random things. I may even come at you guys with a haul every once in awhile.
The thing is though, that I am here and that I do feel a lot more evolved and complicated than I once was and I hope you accept me as I am which is flawed but still learning.
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